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FAQs for *Votiva* – A Non-Invasive Tissue Remodeling System for Women

FAQs for Votiva by InMode

Q: Why is my vagina dry and painful during intercourse? 

A: The main reason for vaginal dryness lies in a lack or reduction in estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone which stimulates vaginal tissues to thicken, and to secrete fluids to moisten the lining of the vagina. In menopause, estrogen levels drop dramatically, and the vagina loses elasticity, thickness, sensation, and moisture. 

Other causes of dryness are:
  1. Childbirth and breastfeeding (with a sudden reduction in estrogen)
  2. Anti-estrogen medications used to treat breast cancer, uterine fibroids or endometriosis
  3. Sjögren’s Syndrome (an autoimmune disorder affecting the secretory glands) 
  4. Radiation to the pelvis
  5. Chemotherapy
  6. Medication: some antidepressants, allergy and cold medications
  7. Douching 
  8. Lack or insufficient foreplay during sex

Q: How can I treat my dry vagina?

A: The most common treatment for vaginal dryness has been topical estrogens.

I only recommend bio identical estradiol, to avoid the significant risks associated with manufactured products such as Premarin. Estradiol cream can be applied daily for 1-2 weeks, and then applied twice weekly. Estradiol may be contraindicated in women with a history of breast cancer or uterine cancer.

For women who are unable or who prefer not to use estradiol cream, I offer Votiva, a topical temperature controlled radio frequency energy (TTCRF), which gently and painlessly induces the process of collagenesis in the vaginal wall. Collagenesis restores healthy vaginal tissue including collagen, elastin, blood vessels, nerve endings, and secretory glands.

After treatment with Votiva, my patients have typically reported more sensitivity and more joy with sex, and have been able to discontinue the use of artificial lubricants. Another choice for treatment of the dry vagina is an injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). First, a tube of blood is drawn. The blood is separated by an advanced centrifugation process to extract the PRP, containing several important growth factors. The PRP is then returned to the vaginal tissues with a simple injection, inducing the tissues to regenerate. After PRP treatment, my patients have typically reported more sexual sensitivity, more enjoyable orgasm, less dryness, and resolution of pain with intercourse.