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ThermiVa Success: Urinary Incontinence and Pain Relieved

client photo - ThermiVa Success: Urinary Incontinence and Pain Relieved

Diagnosis: Interstitial CystitisTreatment: ThermiVaNumber of treatments: 3 “After the first ThermiVa treatment, I started noticing the positive effects almost immediately. I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. Initially I was misdiagnosed with overactive bladder because I was having so many symptoms, we had to weed them out. I was feeling a lot of pain, urgency, burning after urination, and […]

Bladder Pain? – Diagnosing and Treating Interstitial Cystitis

light purple wild flowers

Do you go to the bathroom too much? Are you experiencing “frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs)? Does your bladder hurt, or are you feeling discomfort in the low abdomen/pelvis (lower belly) or the perineum (bicycle seat area)? You May be Suffering from Interstitial Cystitis (IC).  This benign but annoying inflammatory condition affects the bladders of […]