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Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH, also known as Prostate Gland Enlargement, is a common condition that men can develop with age. Symptoms include frequency and discomfort, waking up at night to urinate, and slowing of the urinary stream. This can sometimes lead to urinary infection, stones, or kidney failure.

The Rezūm System uses thermal energy (steam) stored in a sterile water vapor to deliver precise treatment to the enlarged prostate tissue. In a simple transurethral procedure, steam is delivered directly into the prostate to cause reduction of overgrown tissue. Convective steam energy is injected into the prostate, resulting in shrinkage of the prostate tissue, and opening a blocked urethra. Many men our candidates for this office procedure. There is very little downtime compared to traditional surgery.

Clinical studies report improvements in:

  • urine flow
  • quality of life
  • preserved sexual function
  • return to everyday life in a few days

The treatment is done in office and does not require general anesthesia. If you are a candidate and strongly considering Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy, please visit www.rezum.com for more information. For a more personal look at how Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy has changed the lives of many of our patients, please visit our patient testimonials to consider how Rezūm Therapy might enhance your quality of life.

For more information on this treatment, please visit our Patient Testimonials listed below.