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Prostate Cancer: Understanding All the Options

young man seated on shore facing out toward the water

One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Hopefully, it will be diagnosed at an early stage, when it is curable. Hopefully, a yearly PSA (the blood test for prostate specific antigen) and a DRE (digital rectal exam, also known as a “finger wave”) are being followed. When the DRE is suspicious, or […]

BTL Emsella Chair Featured on “The Doctors”

woman in field of flowers holding one under her chin - BTL Emsella Chair

The Doctors are spreading Emsella love on Valentine’s Day. As a follow up to the highly successful September 2018 “Put it to the Test” feature on CBS The Doctors (Est. National Audience: 2,272,640), Emsella was once again featured this morning in PART 2 “Put it to the Test” segment. Dr. Red Alinsod’s patient, Kitty, was invited back to share […]

Sexual Wellness: A Closer Look at Sexual Health in Men and Women

silhouette of couple facing each other with sun rising behind them

I am constantly surprised by my patients. It seems there is no age limit on having a healthy sexual relationship. Many patients, well into their 70s 80s and even 90s, are still enjoying the benefits of a healthy sex life. And yet, so many others have given up on their sexual health either because their […]

Prostate Health Education Network Live Webcast

ocean - Prostate Health Education Network Live Webcast

This Live Webcast on “The Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Rejuvenation of Erectile Function,” was presented by Dr. Gluck at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts for Prostate Cancer survivors and their families. Both Dr. Gluck and the Institute were overwhelmed by the positive response of bringing forward the conversation and importance of […]